
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Mommy is a Day Trader

Some mom's sew, some cook, most tuck you in at night, but this mom is a mom with a difference, one who dreams of being one heck of a day trader, and it's about doing whatever it takes to be the best possible mom.

Here's her story...

One morning, I was deep in meditation, focusing on my Life's Path when a spirit guide appeared and told me I should consider becoming a day trader. 

I laughed of course, aren't intuitive meditations supposed to work the opposite way around with deep insights on why you should drop everything and become a yogi... not a day trader. 

"Well" my spirit guide went on "money is energy, and you will be helping it to flow through trading" I guess that makes sense I thought. I do have some experience over the past 15 years investing in stocks... but day trading, that's dangerous, practically gambling. "Only because that's what you were raised to believe" my spirit guide went on, "but if you study and educate yourself, you will see it's a really great way to work from home... just be smart about it".

My mind was filled with visions of being a work from home mom, and giving my fur kids the kind of attention they need, especially my blind boy (I am a very proud mom of special needs fur kids)... okay smarty pants, I said to my spirit guide, how do I raise the funds I will need to become a full time day trader and stay at home mom? He shrugged his shoulders, Ha! Stumped! I thought. 

However I was intrigued, and rather strangely, as I began to research day trading, I discovered that you actually don't even need that much to start. So I started to educate myself, spending hours upon hours researching, reading, taking courses, watching videos, and slowly formulating my very own trading plan.

I also downloaded the PLUS 500 app, which gave me a demo version where I could trade pretend money in real time according to current stock prices... and a strange thing began to happen. I realized, not only did I really enjoy the process, but i also seemed to have a natural "knack" for it.

One month and four days after I began my journey, I discovered that I had managed to raise enough funds to start, and come up with a decent enough strategy to actually begin trading with real money (well in truth it was one month and three days, but I hesitated starting for that first day).

And off I went... and I never looked back. As it turns out Day Trading isn't difficult at all, it's just surrounded by stigma and poor education. In truth it can be a lot of fun, and it's a great way to earn a monthly salary for those who really have a love for crunching numbers... just like me, as it turns out my spirit guide was right!

If you think this might be a path you're interested in, why not download the PLUS500 app, and give it a try, the demo account gives you a lot to play with so you can learn as you go along and discover if this is something for you.

Here are some books we highly recommend for those considering becoming a day trader too...

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Mid May financial weigh in

What an interesting few weeks we have had indeed!

It has been an incredibly busy week with so much happening and markets being quite volatile, but I shall sum it up for you as best as I can.

As always, let’s start with gold. The price of gold has come down slightly, so this week for 0.1 gram of gold you are looking at an estimated value of ZAR73.60.

Of course, because it’s cheaper, I definitely recommend investing in it.

Then we come down to the stock exchange – having a look at the Satrix40. Well, I’m in the red Big Time!

Why? Well, quite simply because we just had our local government elections here in South Africa. So what does that mean? Traditionally after a local government election, the shares on the JSE don’t do so well for a short period, and actually drop in value. This time around has been no different.

But don’t worry, as the new government settles in, so will the stock exchange. However this temporary drop in value is actually a really good thing for investors. It means that shares are cheap – probably the cheapest they will be for the rest of the year, so invest in your Satrix40 fund now, and over the next few weeks and months you will no doubt be quite happy with the growth you will be experiencing.

Then we come up to crypto currencies... if you have been watching the markets you will see that Bitcoin has been increasing in value at a phenomenal rate. My advise here, as an investor is for you to NOT BUY – from an investment point of you, crypto currencies are just too expensive.

What I did this past week is I actually sold my crypto currencies (both Ethereum and Bitcoin), why did I do this?

I sold when the Bitcoin price was sitting at just over ZAR123,000 to a Bitcoin. Considering that most of my Bitcoin was purchased when the price was ZAR80,000 or less, as you can see I am sitting with quite a nice bit of profit. I am now going to hold onto this cash until the Bitcoin price corrects itself and comes down once again, at which point I will use the cash to repurchase my Bitcoin and I will actually be sitting with even more Bitcoin than I had before.

So for now, my advice is to sell and wait, and once the price comes down, repurchase more crypto with your realised profits.

Here is a really great book to check out if you find yourself really enjoying all of this investing “stuff”, it really is a great and informative book that I highly recommend. Click on the picture to get your copy

Then here's a few books currently available, for a short period for FREE on amazon for kindle 

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Turning Sunshine into Bitcoin

From actual gold, to liquid gold, to gold of a different kind... golden sunshine, what can I say, I love to invest in all things gold.

As you know, through FedGroup you can invest in solar panels and clean energy, and receive a passive income through it. And as much as I absolutely love this (it can pay a pretty decent salary once you have a substantial investment). The truth is that it’s a little pricey for the average South African to invest at ZAR5,000 a pop.

Now to sound fancy, this week I was browsing through the pages of Forbes Africa Magazine, and one of the articles mentioned something a little unusual – something right up my alley.

There is a company called The Sun Exchange – where they create investment income from... can you guess? That’s right, sunshine! And it’s incredibly affordable, you can invest from as little as ZAR65 – and you also have the opportunity to pay in Bitcoin as well as earn in Bitcoin.

Once I heard those magic words, I knew I had to have a look... after all, doesn’t turning sunshine, a free resource, into Bitcoin just sound magical.

So how does it work. It is a crowd sourcing campaign where members of the public, from anywhere in the world can invest in solar panels which are placed within communities, such as schools and businesses, who would not be able to afford the full amount for the solar investment.

Once the campaign for a specific solar project is fully funded, the solar is then installed. Once it is installed, the school or business pays a rental income for the solar panels, that income is then split up among the investors – who are now not only helping a community but also earning a nice little income while doing so... pretty awesome right!

I will include a little explainer video for you at the end of this week’s YouTube video for you to get more information, but if it sounds like something you are definitely interested in, pop onto their website to get more information or sign up today!

The Sun Exchange: https://thesunexchange.com
FedGroup: http://fdgrp.co/refer?referral=00WSVXF 
Stay in touch, sign up to my newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dGCcu5

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Invest in liquid GOLD

When I discovered this investment, I just knew that I had to share it with you!

It's right up there with all the weird and unusual investments that somehow also make a lot of sense.

So what am I talking about... well whiskey of course!

As we all know, whiskey isn't just a wonderful spirit to sip on after a long day at the office, but that a really great whiskey gets better with age.

Not only that, but it also becomes more expensive too... that's what us investors like to call, an increase in value!

Now we all know that whiskey gets more valuable with age - but what if you could invest in whiskey to take advantage of that growth - well now you can!

The ingenious guys at Whiskey Direct Invest have opened the opportunity up to the every day bloke. That's right, if you have a few extra quid (or dollars, or Rands, or... name the currency) lying around, you can invest it in whiskey, hold onto your whiskey and let it grow in value with age, and then sell it off in a few years time for a nice little profit.

Sounds fantastic right! Click Here to find out more or to start investing today