
Friday, March 29, 2019

The Pyjama Job

Creating a career in your PJ's

It’s a Friday morning… well a little closer to midday actually. I am in my jammies sitting in front of my PC, sipping hot coffee, and going over some statistics and figures from the past 24 hours, and it all looks pretty damned good.

I few months ago I made a commitment to myself to help people to find ways to become financially free. 

I was already preparing to launch my book that showed many ways anyone can go online to start earning a passive income. I was excited about my book launch, and the fact that I am already earning passive income, and that I was able to share what I had learned with others… however a part of me was nagging away.

Sure I have some pretty great basics growing, but now I had a drive to find out how I could do more to grow my personal wealth, as well as the wealth of others… in other words I wanted to step up my game, I just didn’t know how yet.

There were three main elements I was looking at, firstly I love investing, especially long term investing where I can watch my net worth grow consistently. Secondly I love passive income… I love that my money comes in even on days (and weeks) when I don’t work or do very little work. Though I was also feeling rather lonely - not relationship wise, I love and adore my wife and can’t live without her, but she has a fantastic career and goes out and deals with people every day, and a part of me wanted that too.

You see for the past 8 years it’s just been me working at home all by myself, sure I have my fantastic 10 adopted furkids with me, but they’re not great conversationalists. Yet I still wanted to work at home and not have a J-O-B.

So there in lay my dilemma, how do I grow my investments, my income, get to meet new people and yet stay at home working in my PJ’s and hanging out with my pooches? I thought about it, and thought about it, but no answers came so I put it out into the Universe and let it come back to me with the answer.

Then “out of the blue” an old friend I haven’t spoken to in over 11 years popped up on my LinkedIn profile, so I sent her a message to say “hi” and see how life was treating her. Shortly afterwards I realised she had launched an amazing new brand, that had similar ideals to what I was looking at as far as helping others to grow and find financial freedom. So I popped her a message and said “let’s chat over a cuppa coffee”, a few days later we were chatting and catching up.

I inspired her to look at several passive income avenues she had never really considered before, and then she shared with me how she had become involved with a network marking team.

Personally I am a huge fan of Network Marketing and Affiliate Marketing, it’s a really powerful tool that you can use to grow your own personal wealth. I had been a part of a network marketing team before, in all honesty I didn’t do very well. It is a very well known brand (which will remain nameless) and although I really like the business strategy and layout, I just couldn’t get myself to become passionate enough about the products I sold – no matter how brilliant their washing powder was (which it really is) – and so I tanked.

So she explained a little about the product her team was investing in, it had to do with crypto currencies and mining… now I was really skeptical, I had been watching the crypto market for about two years, and I was incredibly unimpressed with it. Not only that but I had considered the mining option, but as an individual the costs would outweigh the income produced. So I kindly declined… but then she said some magic words… the kind I really like to hear, “Well there is a small product you can invest in to get your feet wet, it costs $25 and within a short period you can sit back and literally just watch that passive income coming in.” Oh Really! I thought to myself, and told her to keep inviting me to their meetings until I was able to actually attend one.

Needless to say the wife and I went along and we were sold and invested as a way of extending our investment portfolio, and using it as a great way to meet new people.

I once attended a seminar with Robert Kiyosaki where he advised everyone there to consider adding a network marketing team to their portfolios. I have great respect for him, after all, look at what he has achieved in his life, and I agree with him one hundred percent. So whether you end up selling make up, plastic tubs, really great washing powder or gold and crypto currencies, I strongly advise for everyone to consider this business approach

**IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure you always do your research on the company first, unfortunately this is an avenue often exploited by scam artist, which has led to more often than not, a bad reputation for this type of business, a little research can go a long way. “Ponzi Schemes” as they are commonly called, lacks one thing. A proper network marketing business will offer you a valuable and tangible product. It should be a product that you can hold and own and share with others, an actual product. Not just a promise of making money, if money is the only thing exchanging hands for the promise of more money… rather walk away.

If you can’t afford to invest in a network marketing group straight away, quite often those in the team will help you along until you can, all you have to do is communicate with them. In a proper team, what is good for the individual will benefit the team as a whole, a great team looks after each other.

The truth is that it doesn’t matter what you end up selling or investing in within your network, you can make a success of it, you just have to treat it like a viable business, because that is exactly what it is. Network marketing has helped thousands become wealthy, but not only that - it has helped people all around the world to do things that they love, like travel, or stay at home and be a full time parent, or allow their families the simple luxuries in life, you just need to be prepared to be a professional.

There’s one other ingredient, that I personally have felt that I needed, and it’s the reason that I didn’t succeed the first or even the second time I joined a team, and that is that I really need to feel passionate about the products I am offering – that passion shines through in how I speak to people and how I share my knowledge with people.

So find a great group (contact me if you need to, I have several contacts in various areas I can put you in touch with), become a real business professional, and build your business with passion. Truly passionate network marketers are the ones who become the most successful the quickest; they’re the ones who end up earning seven figures a year… is that you?

Here are some really great resources to help you to become the best network marketing professional that you can be – click on the images to invest in them, and to invest in yourself!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

5 Myths of investing in gold

As you know I am a HUGE fan of investing, it’s one of the reasons why I have this blog, to share with you all the “hows’ and ‘whats’ that I do to grow my own personal investment portfolio. 

In fact you can say it’s pretty much my full time job. When I wake up in the morning, I ask “How am I going to invest today?” and of course “Am I going to invest with money or with time or with my mad skills – or all three?”

I have to say, my portfolio is becoming rather impressive, but one thing I will always advise everyone to do is to consider investing in gold, so today I decided to cover the top 5 questions I am normally asked about this kind of investment.

1.       But isn’t it too old school?

If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you will know that I am a HUGE fan to modern approaches of investment – out with the old and in with the new, with gold however it’s quite different.

Gold is a classic that never goes out of style, and there are even new cool fun ways to invest in it for all us modern investors. To someone who is just starting out their own investment portfolio, I would say that this is possibly the very first place to start… invest in gold first! It’s a really great addition to add value to your own personal wealth.

2.       Is it really stable?

Gold is an asset, and like all assets the prices will fluctuate, however it will also still always steadily grow in an upward trend. It will rise with, if not outperform, inflation every year. Unlike your cash money that becomes worth LESS every year, gold becomes worth MORE every year.

Gold is a really great way to ensure that your net worth will grow every year, while cash in the bank will become worth even less.

3.       But it’s super expensive?

Not anymore. In fact you can invest in as little as 0.1 grams of gold. It has become really affordable, so that anyone can start investing in gold,even for just a few dollars.

It's absolutely FREE to SIGN UP for an account, and then get ready to invest in your own time. CLICK HERE to open a FREE account that will help you to invest in gold TODAY!

4.       How can gold earn me a residual income?

Fantastic question! Residual income, also known as passive income is my favourite source of income in the whole wide world and now you can have BOTH residual income, and an increase in your wealth and net worth buy investing in gold.

How?  CLICK HERE sign up to be an affiliate with KaratGold (one of my favourite new companies) and every time someone uses your affiliate link to invest in gold, you get paid a commission, which you can cash out or use to even buy your own gold. Two birds with one stone, it’s the most modern way of investing in gold today.

5.       Ugh! It’s so difficult to invest in gold

Hell no it isn’t! In fact it’s incredibly easy. All you have to is CLICK HERE fill in the forms to create an account and then choose how much gold you want to buy – in fact you can be the very proud owner of your own 24 carat gold within a few short minutes.

Oh, and did I mention it makes really great gifts… Do you have a special birthday or celebration coming up? Perhaps buy gold for all your family members this Christmas, it’s a really fantastic way to get the whole family to work on growing their own net worth. And let’s face it, receiving a small gold bar or gold coin is a really special gift indeed.

Investing in gold has never ever been more affordable or more easy to do… you have absolutely no reason not to do it. Invest in yourself TODAY! And add gold to your own personal wealth portfolio.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

It's time to change

The human race is always changing and evolving, it doesn't stand still for anyone or anything. Our huge advances in technology alone are proof of this.

The world around us is completely different to the one that we knew twenty, even ten years ago. Yet I am still shockingly surprised how people, who accept these changes in all other areas of their lives, still expect to earn money in the old traditional senses.

If life is changing in every aspect, how we earn and work with our money is changing too. You can decide to be at the forefront of that change, or you can change only when you are forced to.

So how is the financial landscape changing? Traditionally you would get a job or start a business, make a few investments if you had enough extra money to and then finally finish off with retirement hoping that you had managed to invest and save enough to last you until the end of your days.

This system worked well when the life expectancy of the average human was 75 to 95 years old, but it really is no longer valid. It was necessary for us to progress to our next stage of evolution. This older generation, on average spent around 72% of their lives working (the remaining 28% allows for childhood, and an average of ten to twenty years for retirement) - and usually unhappily so, in a job, or a string of several jobs they didn't enjoy, they did it because they believed they had to.

The other day I read a very interesting article that stated how millennials are the first GENERATION (note generation as a whole and not one or two lucky individuals), where becoming financially free and retiring early (between the ages of 30 and 40 years) will be the norm for them, assuming they start work at the age of 20, that's only ten to twenty years working. The catch here is that the average life expectancy for a millennial is currently at 120 years... shocking right? So here's an entire generation who are learning to work for around 25% to 30% of their lives, and then to spend their rest of their time doing what? Well, to be honest, they are spending their time doing what makes them happy. It is as simple as that.

In fact most millennials who might end up working past the age of forty, will only end up doing so because they do work that they love. This is a generation that is learning that money is not associated to happiness, and more importantly, how they can go about earning passive income from a variety of avenues so that they can live a life that will make them happier. Their focus is almost purely on happiness - sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

I want you to ask yourself, are you moving with this tidal wave of change? Are you learning to earn passive income? Or are you still stuck in the old ideas of how to earn money, while feeling unhappy and dissatisfied with your life? What are you willing to do to make a change in your life?

What would you do to shift your life to begin focusing on your own happiness?

Start by following my blog, I share great tips and advice to help you to make the changes you need to... and here's a really great book to help you to get started...

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Disrupting Business South African Style

Disruptive - the new big word being thrown around the business world today, but what does it mean?

Quite simply put, there are people out there who are focusing their attention at creating huge disruption in the traditional way that businesses are financed and run... the best part is they are focusing on taking earning potential out of the hands of "the big guys" and spreading the "Money love" among the people - the every day you and me.

Here's the wikipedia explanation for you: In business, a disruptive innovation is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market-leading firms, products, and alliances.

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disruptive_innovation

This form of business has become so hugely disruptive, that most of the hugely successful companies in the world are successful because of this. A good example, and probably the most used one is Uber. where now anybody who has a car can become a professional taxi driver, or AirBNB, where anybody who has a home with a spare room in can rent it out for a few extra dollars.

In the disruptive economy, anyone can become a business person in some form or another. HOWEVER as an investor who loves passive income, how can I be a Disruptive Investor, and earn monies without having to drive around or have strangers in my home? How can I sit at home in my pj's and earn a little extra cash?

There are a number of avenues I am exploring at the moment, which are quite exciting, from crypto mining to Forex trading, but there's one real biggy (that starts off really affordably) that I want to share with everyone... in fact this form of disruptive investing has me so excited I wish I was in my twenties again so that I could start off investing and growing in a big way for my future... alas however I'm almost two decades beyond that, yet I'm jumping all in anyway.

So what has me all excited? LISTEN UP... PAY ATTENTION... and most importantly get ready to start investing in this TODAY!

Disruptive Farming... yes you heard right - FARMING!

Everybody... and I mean everybody can become a FARMER... albeit a virtual farmer but a farmer none the less. I am incredibly excited because this is also a South African product. Through this product you can farm either blueberries, honey or electricity through solar farms. Excitingly the honey farm is actually based here in sunny South Africa, so if I wanted to I could pop on over and check out how my bees are doing... pretty cool right?

So what do you need to get started? Well a cellphone and a minimum of R300 to make your first investment... I know right! It is an incredibly affordable, small scale investment that allows anyone to get started in honing those investing skills and building a future for themselves.

As with any farm equipment, the investment does have a life span, BUT YOU OWN IT! It's your beehives or solar panels or blueberry bushes, someone else takes care of it for you, and you just keep the profits - pretty cool right?

The goal with an investment like this would be to continually invest and re-invest at least a part of your earnings, this will allow you to grow sizable asset base that one day can help you to retire early (if you haven't already).

So what is it called? FedGroup - you can read more about them at www.fedgroup.co.za

Pop onto your app store and download the FedGroup app... pick your investment and start farming today, it takes about 10 minutes, it's that easy!

And of course you have to watch the video that got me excited in the first place... because who doesn't love The Hof

Until next time, remember to always invest in yourself
Farmer Nathalie

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Next Big Thing

I have always been an investor, for as long as I can remember. In my early twenties I signed up for my first share trading account and bought and sold shares. I've created companies myself, and made another number of investments over the years.

But now there's a brand new investment opportunity that has me super excited, and I really want to share it with you..

Recently I watched a TED Talk on Blockchain software... my mind was absolutely blown, and it got me really... and I mean REALLY excited. After doing loads of research, I have to say I truly believe that this is absolutely the best thing since... well... the internet. Blockchain technology is going to revolutionize the world in a BIG WAY!

So what did I do? Well I'm investing in the technology in a number of ways, and I think everybody should definitely jump in and get a piece of this pie, because ten years from now I have the feeling that everyone will have to have a piece of the pie because that is the way that the world is evolving, so why not get in earlier than the rest?

Have I peaked your interest? I hope so... here's the video that first got me excited, you must watch it! and of course I have listed a whole bunch of materials for you to do your own research with, invest in them today, invest in yourself and invest in your future!

The You tube video that BLEW MY MIND!

Some Really Great Research Materials