

When you start to create work to earn passive income online, through your own skills, it is important to remember that you are not just creating digital products to sell online. You are also turning YOURSELF into a BRAND. And with any brand, it takes work to get those loyal clients.

The goal with my brand and marketing videos is to show you how you can go about doing exactly this, but for FREE. How do you market yourself, at no cost? Well there are a few platforms out there that will help you to do exactly that, I cover a few in my first video Marketing and Social Media

Once you have those clients coming in, to keep your brand moving forward, you really need to learn how to convert those clients into FANS of your brand! Regular and loyal clients are your ticket to success. If you want to learn some really awesome tools and see exactly how to do this, then you really want to watch my video on how to Create Repeat Clients

As W. Edwards Deming said "Profit in business comes from repeat clients, customers that boast about your project or service, and that bring friends with them."

Always remember that you are your own brand, and that it IS something to be PROUD of. You want to share your brand with the world, and the more courage you show in doing so the more likely people will appreciate the products that you are putting out there in the world.

To be the first to watch more videos on how to grow your brand online, and to earn passive income, join my Patreon page www.patreon.com/itsmybusiness 

I am such a huge fan of Vishen Lakhiani and the work he does through Mindvalley Academy, I just had to share this video... click on the image below to start watching it now

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