
Saturday, December 29, 2018

My New Year's Gift to you

It's time for a New Year... and a new beginning. Do you really want to make HUGE life changes next year and really and truly start to live a better life?

If you are really and I mean REALLY serious about this, then here's a HUGE opportunity for you. You can sign up to watch my weekly videos, which show you exactly how you can go about earning passive income online, and as my gift to those who are truly dedicated to making a difference in their own lives, I am giving a 60% discount to the first ten patrons who sign up before midnight on New Year's Eve.

That's right BUT there are only ten spots available, and as of 1st of January this offer does expire. So are you really serious about change?

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Blow Your Own Horn!

If you can master this one action, and excel in promoting your own brand, then your earning potential can become unlimited.

At the end of the post I have included an exercise that you can use to help you to achieve just this, but first I want to share with you my personal story.

For the past few years I have been quietly working away in the background growing my passive income. Creating my products, from digital files to the books I have written, to experimenting with a number of online platforms to earn an income from.

The other day I did the math, and I can actually say that I have made tens of thousands doing this and selling my products. Sounds impressive right? It is, but sadly I know I could have done better than that, but I didn’t, why?

Like so many people out there I have been embarrassed to really “blow my own horn”. That’s right, I have always been too embarrassed to promote myself and my own products. Sounds strange right? But in truth most people have the same problem, and I hope that by sharing my own personal story that you too can work towards any fear that you might have when it comes to blowing your horn.

I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit, in fact as a small child of no more than 5 or 6 years old, I remember making little trinkets from items around the house and garden. I worked hard at them, I glued leaves to cardboard, and tried some terrible finger knitting, amongst other crafts to create bookmarks. My goal was to sell them to any guests that were going to come and visit the house – I had a business mind right from the start!

I never got as far as making any actual sales pitches though, as my parents had figured out what I was doing, and to prevent any embarrassing situations, persuaded me not to go ahead with my plan.

I can’t say they went about it too tactfully, I felt horrible afterwards, and my young mind learned a lesson that day that it took me decades to overcome and “un-learn”. The lesson my parents had tried to teach me was that “We don’t beg for money.”

Now I know that their intentions were never to cause me any harm or unhappiness, and I know that they were reacting in part because of how their parents had raised them, so I know now that in truth that nobody can be blamed.

Unfortunately I was too young to understand it at the time, so my young mind “recorded” an association of making a sale with being akin to begging... which is wrong. Right?

It’s one of the reasons why I did not succeed at many jobs, and even with my first few businesses, because although I absolutely love the creation process of creating products, and I get really excited about starting up my own business... when it came to actually selling my own products I always used to feel as if I was doing something terribly wrong. I would be overcome with feelings of embarrassment, and guilt whenever I tried to approach clients, or make an appointment to promote my products, or even just to mention them among a group of friends, or when I met new people.

However once I became aware of what it was that I was doing, I was able to disassociate myself from that feeling, and I began to tell myself how self-promotion is actually brilliant. After all, I have amazing ideas based on my experiences, and I can really and truly help people and make a difference in their lives... how could that possibly wrong?

Do you have any similar feelings when it comes to talking about something you have done or created? Do you struggle to promote yourself and the products you sell? If so, here’s a task for you to give a try:

Step 1: Close your eyes and try think back as far as possible to the very first time, you tried to make an exchange of any kind for money. Perhaps you wanted to earn pocket money to buy yourself something, or perhaps, like me you were trying to sell goodies to visiting guests. Whatever it may be, I want you to think about that instant, and the adults that were in your life at that moment, and what happened. Write it all down in your journal with us much detail as you can remember. Write down how you felt coming out of that situation.

Step 2: Really think about how you were left feeling afterwards. Is that perhaps the same feeling you feel now when you try to make a sale, or promote yourself? Write about what your emotional responses are now whenever you try any form of promotion or self promotion. Notice where in your body you feel this emotion, and put your hand on that area of your body.

Step 3: Now I want you to visit that past experience again, but this time I don’t want you to take part in the moment, instead stand outside of the scene and watch it happening as an observer. The goal here is to remove your emotional attachment to that moment. Look at all the parties involved. The adults you were interacting with, whoever they may be, were simply responding with their own pre-programming that had been taught to them as a child, and they inadvertently relayed that same message to you, whether consciously or subconsciously, it does not matter. The goal here is not to blame anyone, but rather to work on “re-programming” yourself and your response.

Step 4: Now remember the place in your body where you could feel those negative emotions? I want you to place both your hands there and say out loud “I am the master of blowing my own horn.” And smile... because it’s true. Then go forward and make an amazing "sales pitch".

From this point on, any time you catch yourself beginning to feel those negative emotions associated with selling and self promotion, place your hand on that spot and say those words out loud. You are making yourself aware of that past programming and any negative habits, and changing them to better habits, and re-affirming yourself.

Once you can master this exercise, you are well on your way to becoming so much more successful.

Are you scared?

If you say no, I won’t believe you. 

All of us have fears of some kind, especially when it comes to money and business.

Not to say that fear is all bad, there are some good fears too, the type that keep us alive and surviving, but then there are also the crippling fears, the ones that keep us from growing and moving forward.

Watch today’s vlog post for practical tips and advice on how to work your way through your fears, and really begin to move yourself towards greater things.

Click on the image below to watch the video NOW!

Are you a victim of 2018?

I was going through my social media news feed the other day, and I was quite taken back by the amount of memes people were posting about just how awful this past year was.

They were followed by memes on how they were too dead broke to enjoy their festive season, and then hoping that next year would be “a better one”.

However, for most of these people, I know that this will not be the case. In fact chances are quite high that at the end of 2019, they will be posting pictures and memes saying pretty much the same story, that the current year “rail roaded” them, leaving them in worse shape, and wondering if there’s a glimmer of hope that the next year would be slightly different.

A large amount of people are acting as if the last year just “happened to them”, as if they had no choice or role to play in their circumstances. They act the victim, and sadly very few people actually end up taking steps to improve or better their lives, despite the pain they are feeling about where they are in their current lives.

However, if you happen to be one of those people who really want to make a change, and have a better 2019. If you want 2019 to be YOUR YEAR, then the truth is that YOU and only YOU can take the steps to make it happen that way. If you want to be THE BOSS of 2019, then you have to work at making it happen... or do you want to find yourself complaining how another year has come and gone, and all you feel is “defeated” and more broke than before?

Do you know that research has shown that there are several things that you can do every year, to actually live a happier, more fulfilling life?

The choice really is yours, and in today’s video, I give you an incredibly practical tip on one of the things that you can do TODAY that will actually help you to begin to make the change.

Warning: This Feeling is Addictive

As a business woman and a passive income earner, I noticed that there are two very different emotions that I felt when making sales, a passive income sale versus a product / service sale.

Firstly, when it came to my business (I used to be a bridal gown designer), whenever I received an order and a client made their payment, I felt that excitement of “Yay, I have been paid!” and then it was followed by the anxiety of realising that I now had a lot of work ahead of me (some bridal gowns literally take months to complete).

The first time I made a passive income sale with a digital product, I noticed a definite difference in how I felt. I had that “Yay, I have been paid!” moment, but it was followed by lightness and relief in knowing that I didn’t have to do any work thereafter.

I had done all the work in creating the product (a digital sewing pattern) so once it was up and for sale, the work was done and all I had to do was watch the dollars come in.

That feeling of relief and lightness got me excited! I wanted more of that and to rid myself of the anxiety I was used to feeling. The best part of selling digital products is that because it IS a digital product, my stock levels are UNLIMITED! So even after making hundreds of sales on any product, I still don’t have to do more work to top up my stock levels, my work is done once and that is that.

Whereas with active income (making the products as my clients ordered them), I was very limited in the amount of money I could make per product, and how much time I had in order to create physical products and limited stock to sell.

Once I had made that first sale, over the two years that followed I started to change the focus of my business to creating products that generated a passive income, rather than trying to earn active income. Within two years I had made enough products that I could then sit back, and do no more work and money would still come into my bank account.

It was around then that I started to think about trying to help others to do exactly the same, and to be able to earn a basic income from digital products. So for the past few years I have been doing exactly this, I have been researching ways and platforms that will allow for anyone to be able to build an online business and earn a basic salary, part time or full time.

This year I decided to launch “The Life” series of life coaching products, where I don’t just focus on actual life coaching techniques, but I also show others practical ways to apply to actually earn money online.

This is the focus of my book that I launched earlier this year “Live a Better Life”

As well as my patreon page, www.patreon.com/itsmybusiness. where I teach and show people how to vastly improve their lives and to start earning passive income online, as well as how to manage and grow their “Brand” – which is themselves.

So if, like me, you want to be able to earn money, and FEEL that lightness and relief (which is incredibly addictive), then come join me on Patreon, and I will show you how to do exactly that.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Make Money Blogging

In this post I'm literally handing you a detailed step by step guide on how to start your own income producing blog!

If this is something you have ever considered doing as a source of income on the side, then this is one video that you DO NOT want to miss out on.

Now is the perfect time to start and get set up, and over the next year to create something beautiful that makes you money... the only catch is that, well, you actually just have to start. And here's a video to show you exactly how to do that.

Download the workbook that goes along with the video to help you to get the best out of this lesson. Click on the image below to watch the video NOW!

Remember to ALWAYS invest in yourself!

Friday, December 14, 2018

How well do you know me?

Earlier this week, one of my Facebook friends posted this meme, and it has really just stuck with me.

"How do I lay in bed for the 

rest of my life but also become 

a billionaire at the same time?"

I will be honest, my first response was "Well... just do it." - which I said quietly to myself. I wasn't judging this person in any way, and I kinda like her and don't want her to "unfriend" me, and simply because I realised... Heck... people might take offense to comments like that because they don't really know what it is that I actually do to "make a living".

I decided to rectify that, so I posed a question on Facebook, asking friends and family to tell me exactly what it is that they think I do. I half sniggered to myself thinking "They'll never guess". However I was proved terribly wrong, as it turns out people know me better than I thought they did.

The answers included "Navigation on a Starship", working towards being the "Master of the Universe" and my favourite, and most flattering response "Entrepreneur Philanthropist".... "Wow" I thought "They really do know me."

I am a Philanthropist, I work with a number of animal rescue organisations whenever I get the chance to, it's something I'm incredibly passionate about.

I'm also an entrepreneur... a serial entrepreneur and an investor, and this often translates to me doing "a lot" of "things" and activities, but all the "things" I do, are actually tools and processes I use to attain just one particular goal.

But what is that goal?

That goal is to find ways to generate products to earn passive income from online sources... that's what I "do for a living". I then take what I learn and teach it to other people whenever I get the opportunity. And that is why my response is - If you want to be a billionaire and stay in your pj's all day long (something I actually do on a regular basis)... then why not read my book that I launched earlier this year, or follow my Patreon page where I show you how to earn passive income so that if that's what you want to do with you life... well you can!

My goal is to help as many people as possible to start to earn passive income from online sources so that they can live a HAPPIER more FULFILLING LIFE filled with FINANCIAL FREEDOM!

Read my book... get excited about it... share it with others... it's worth the investment, and as I always say and strongly believe, always invest in yourself!

Click on the image below to get your copy today!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Very often I am asked "Don't you have a FREE tip?" or "Can you tell me some way I can earn money now?"

My answer to these questions is usually, invest in my book "Live a Better Life by Nathalie Marran" it's PACKED with online resources and platforms where you can start investing your time to earn money.

Or, why not sign up to my Patreon page, where I literally tell you where and how to go earn money online by only investing your time and skills. OR EVEN BETTER YET... sign up to my newsletter and get the FREE eBook that tells you how to start an income producing blog TODAY!

I am quite honestly giving you a mountain of information to help you to Live a Better Life and start earning an income online, why not use this to make 2019 YOUR YEAR!

This morning however, I was inspired to take it one step further, perhaps I'm feeling extra generous because the festive season is upon us, I decided to post this FREE video that will take less than 5 minutes of your time, and in this video I share with you a site where you can start earning an affiliate income right away... no time or skills necessary. So,,, what are you waiting for?

Monday, December 10, 2018

Back to the drawing board

Do you have a fear of failure? We all have times in our lives and business when we will inevitably face failure, but why does it scare us so much?

What do we do when this happens? How do we cope? I am recording this video to cover exactly these topics.

Bill Gates said “It’s fine to celebrate success but it’s more important to heed the lessons of failure”

After watching this video, you will no longer be dreading failure, but instead welcoming it. My goal is to help you to shift your mind so that you can see failure as something positive and hugely transformational.

And remember to Always invest in yourself

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Are you planning for a modern retirement?

The traditional way of planning for retirement includes savings and pension funds, which are great and have their place, but I highly recommend not depending solely on these outdated practices when planning for your retirement.

Let's have a look at why I feel this system is extremely outdated.

Say you currently earn roughly $100,000 per year. It is generally understood that once you retire, to maintain your current lifestyle, you should earn around 80% of your current financial earnings. So that means that for every year you retire, you should have at least $80,000 stashed away.

If you retire at the age of 65, you can expect at least 20 years worth of retired bliss, and the younger you are now, the more years you can add to this number, according to current scientific research.

According to scientists, someone my age, has a life expectancy of easily up to 120 years of age. So if I were to retire at the age of 65, I would need to be prepared to support myself for up to 55 years on my pension and savings.

But for argument’s sake, let’s say that you have 20 years of retired bliss ahead of you. To live on $80,000 per year (Just over $6650 per month) for up to 20 years, you will need $1,600,000 (that’s right, one point six million) stashed away.

And of course that is your earnings BEFORE tax... yes you will still get taxed.

Also keep inflation in mind. Your cost of living will increase every year, but your earnings will remain the same, so as each year passes, the value of your money (what you can buy with it) will become less and less. So ten years into your retirement, you may come to the realisation that you still have a long way to go, and not that much saved up to get you there.

This is one of the BIGGEST reasons why I have dedicated the past few years of my life to growing my passive income base.

Earning passive income from digital products allows me to increase my earnings every year, with no end in sight. In fact, long after I am gone, it will be possible for future generations to continue to earn from my products. This means that I’m not just looking after myself, but I’m also leaving a legacy.

My earnings increase with inflation, so the value of my money does not decrease. I earn through my business, and not directly, so this actually decreases the amount I pay in taxes.

I am earning money now and building my business in such a way that I can travel and see the world BEFORE retirement, and enjoy life while I’m still young. And of course I love my work so much, that it doesn’t really seem like work anyway, I’m a lot less stressed, and healthier and ready to live a longer fuller life, with my finances INCREASING in value every year, while I build one hell of a legacy to leave behind.

To me... that’s a modern retirement.

The idea of working until I’m old, tired and possibly sick, and then spending my years trying to survive on what little income I managed to save, and never really having that “someday” opportunity come along that I might “someday” travel and see the world, or do the things I want to do. That to me is not my idea of living, or enjoying life.

Even if you just start doing it on the side for now, start creating products to help you to earn that passive income now, and allow your passive income to grow so that one day you don’t just have a really amazing retirement... but who knows maybe you can have a REALLY EARLY retirement and get to do all the things you want to do.

Start today by investing in yourself... sign up to my videos that show you exactly how you can go about building up your passive income TODAY!

Friday, December 7, 2018

My biggest lessons of 2018

At the end of every year I make sure to take time and reflect back on my year and to have a good look at my successes, the new things I have discovered about myself, and more importantly the lessons I have learned from my mistakes and failures

I am a firm believer in constantly working on myself, and that I can always strive to be a better person, and it’s one of the reasons that I make sure I take this time to reflect every year.

This year, I really wanted to share my top 3 lessons of 2018 with you, as I believe we don’t just learn from our mistakes, but the mistakes of others too.

Get enough sleep!

Getting up at 5am with a lot of gusto and rather large pot of coffee, had been my daily routine for some time. I’d get up and drink coffee, write in my journal, do a little exercise and top it off with a meditation, and be ready to start the rest of my day by 7am.

It was really great, I could get a lot of work done, but eventually all I felt was “tired”. And the more tired I felt, the harder it was for me to make it through my days and get up with “gusto” the next morning.

We are human beings, we can function on 5 hours of sleep, absolutely... but just because we can do something, doesn’t mean we should. In order to function at your peak, seven to eight hours of sleep per night is the pest way of going about doing things.

In fact what I discovered is that in the long term, by sleeping more hours every night, I was able to get more work done in the long run. It’s not about having more time to do things, but rather about having the energy you need to get things done.

For more on this I highly recommend watching Vishen Lakhiani’s videos on the importance of sleep.

Exercise your mind

You can do this by reading more (something I loved doing more of this year) or by studying  – take a short course, perhaps even taking an hour long online Masterclass or two.

Learning new ideas and concepts is invigorating, it keeps you thinking and discovering. It’s true, the saying, that “You don’t know what you don’t know”. Opening yourself up to learning new ideas and ways of thinking can hugely affect your life, and bring around transformation.

Even if you are learning about or reading about a concept you are already fully aware of, you might learn a new technique or approach the changes your understanding of that concept and how to apply it to your life.

Listen to yourself

I think intuition is underrated. There have been a few times this year when I have found myself feeling unsure about where I am headed. I think this is all “par for the course” when you make a huge life and career change, as I had decided to do this year.

When big changes happen, questioning yourself is only natural, “Am I doing the right thing? What was I thinking, starting from scratch again?” But what I discovered, in the moments when I felt the most “in turmoil” all I had to do was stop, and listen to myself.

I started the habit of asking myself, “If I had the choice, what would I want to be doing right now?” I close my eyes, and really think about what it is I would rather be doing, and you know what? I would then go and do just that.

I started this new course of my life because “It felt right”, I intuitively knew that I wanted to help people to find their own financial freedom. My goal had been to be “In the Flow” of both the universe, and with myself. If at any time I felt like I was sinking or struggling to move forward, it quite simply meant that I wasn’t doing what I was meant to be doing. So I would make a point of stopping and asking myself what I should be doing, and then I would listen to my inner voice for the answer (this is also a really great approach for a daily meditation).

I would then act on that answer. As a result, I feel like I have truly changed and evolved a lot this year, I feel better about who I am, what I am doing and where I am headed. And of course this leaves me feeling quite excited about the coming year.

My advice to you; take a moment, reflect on the Good, the Bad and the absolute Ugly of 2018. Look at the lessons this year has thrown at you, and then ask yourself “What should I be doing now?” or “What is the right path for me?” – and then the most important part comes... listen to yourself, listen to that answer, and then, if it feels right, act on it.

I hope you are as excited for the upcoming year, and remember that no matter what you do, always take the time to invest in yourself!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Transform your life with this simple tool

In this week’s video I cover the idea of journaling, and how it is a truly powerful tool that you can use to bring about real change in your life, or to help you to grow and develop in your current life.

Here is one of my all time favourite quotes from one of my all time favourite novels. In Dracula by Bram Stoker, the character Nina Murray says “Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.”

I decided to record this video because I truly believe that there is not a single person who would not highly benefit from the practice of writing in daily journal. It is one of those habits that I hold up highly, and that I have personally used as a tool to bring about true transformation in my life.

By becoming very specific about the kind of life you want to live, and writing about it every day, you will begin to see the pathways that will get you there.

I have designed the most beautiful journal to get you motivated and writing today, click on the image below to get yours now!

Happy Journaling, I can guarantee you that your life will never be the same again.