On Saturday morning I went down to my local charity and second hand store to shop around for something new to read (besides already reading about another seven books). I seldom shop in the fiction section these days, but for some reason I felt drawn to it. I saw this book and immediately picked it up.
I read the cover, and feeling intrigued thought "Well maybe I could do with a little fictional adventure in my life" - and best of all it was only R5. I paid the cashier and headed home to curl up in my favourite chair, with a big glass of wine and started to read away.
What an inspiring novel. First of all, this book, although wrapped up in a fictional adventure story which had me enthralled, is so packed full of life's truths. What do I mean by this? Well as I read through the various insights being introduced in the book I kept thinking "I know this, I did that, I've seen and experienced something like this".
James Redfield has found an amazing way to introduce the core principles of what can only be explained as transcendence into a more "awake" state of being, and although dressed as fiction, he has used this format as a powerful way to get his message across to his readers. Having been published in the early 1990's, I'm sure that even the "New Age" groupies might have laughed at him at the time, however he managed to find a very creative way to get a very powerful message across.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking to discover a new way of looking at life, and is possibly in search of some answers within themselves - or even if you're just looking for a good adventure novel - definitely give this one a read!
Here's the amazon link for you to check it out now: https://www.amazon.com/Celestine-Prophecy-James-Redfield-ebook/dp/B001D08CTW/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1530271407&sr=1-1&keywords=celestine+prophecy