
Friday, June 29, 2018

The Celestine Prophecy

On Saturday morning I went down to my local charity and second hand store to shop around for something new to read (besides already reading about another seven books). I seldom shop in the fiction section these days, but for some reason I felt drawn to it. I saw this book and immediately picked it up.

I read the cover, and feeling intrigued thought "Well maybe I could do with a little fictional adventure in my life" - and best of all it was only R5. I paid the cashier and headed home to curl up in my favourite chair, with a big glass of wine and started to read away.

What an inspiring novel. First of all, this book, although wrapped up in a fictional adventure story which had me enthralled, is so packed full of life's truths. What do I mean by this? Well as I read through the various insights being introduced in the book I kept thinking "I know this, I did that, I've seen and experienced something like this".

James Redfield has found an amazing way to introduce the core principles of what can only be explained as transcendence into a more "awake" state of being, and although dressed as fiction, he has used this format as a powerful way to get his message across to his readers. Having been published in the early 1990's, I'm sure that even the "New Age" groupies might have laughed at him at the time, however he managed to find a very creative way to get a very powerful message across.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking to discover a new way of looking at life, and is possibly in search of some answers within themselves - or even if you're just looking for a good adventure novel - definitely give this one a read!

Here's the amazon link for you to check it out now: https://www.amazon.com/Celestine-Prophecy-James-Redfield-ebook/dp/B001D08CTW/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1530271407&sr=1-1&keywords=celestine+prophecy 

Thursday, June 28, 2018

read your way to a younger you

Reading rewires parts of your brain. Maryanne Wolf explains in her book,Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain:
Human beings invented reading only a few thousand years ago. And with this invention, we rearranged the very organization of our brain, which in turn expanded the ways we were able to think, which altered the intellectual evolution of our species. . . . Our ancestors’ invention could come about only because of the human brain’s extraordinary ability to make new connections among its existing structures, a process made possible by the brain’s ability to be reshaped by experience.

The benefits of reading really go beyond just changing how the brain functions. Regularly picking up a book and reading helps you to actually exercise your brain, as your imagination sends out pulses while you create the stories within your own mind. A fit mind helps you to maintain your memories for much longer, especially as we age. In fact the older you get, the more it is recommended that you read in order to keep your mind "in shape".

Reading also allows you to unwind and de-stress. It helps you to take your mind away from anything that may be troubling you, allowing you to release your worries. This process alone can have a calming effect on your entire body. Being in a constantly stressed state can cause your body to be more tired, sickly, and age faster, but by taking time out to read your are breaking this cycle, which in the long run can have a positive impact on your overall health, the running of your body, and even having a more youthful appearance.

It can also improve your finances. Most of the worlds richest and most successful people will tell you that they read on average for half an hour to 45 minutes per day, on a wide variety of subjects from fiction to non fiction. It is also a relatively affordable and easy way to learn new skills, or to read biographies on how the rich achieved their success. Regularly reading business books and self help books will most definitely help you to live a richer more fulfilling life. Want to learn a new skill? There's probably a book (or ten) on just that subject - so invest in yourself today and start reading!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Feel better today!

We all have those days when it is particularly difficult to come out of a dark mood. Here are some great videos to help you to find ways to come right.

Even better... for my clients who need some guidance and assistance, but can't make it to the office, I will happily meet with you on skype... or even a whatsapp video call! Book your appointment on my Facebook page by CLICKING HERE, and let's get chatting.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Why Happiness is the new Productivity

I am such a huge fan of Vishen Lakhiani and the work he does through Mindvalley Academy, I just had to share this video... click on the image below to start watching it now

Monday, June 18, 2018

Meditate loneliness away

Back in the 1960’s to 1980’s when hippies were really starting to promote this radical mediation business, who would have thought that at the end of the day they had actual discovered an incredibly powerful self growth practice, that had beneficial implications beyond what you could possibly imagine.

As a life coach, of course I am a huge fan of meditation, but not just because “it’s cool” to do, because you know, all the Life Coaches are doing it, right?

I love meditation because of the exciting SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN benefits of actually meditating every day, and being a fan of all thing scientific I love digging into  discoveries of this nature.

So how can meditation really help you? If I had to pick one thing, that would have the biggest impact on my clients, that would be that scientist have actually proven that meditating every day makes you feel LESS ALONE in this world. So the act of sitting along in silence makes you feel less lonely? Absolutely!

Those who frequently meditate will tell you that there will be times, when through meditation, you can actually feel connected to all things, and that sense of connectedness grows the more often you meditate. How could you possible feel incredibly lonely, and have a strong connection to the world around you at the same time? Well it’s impossible.

Not only that but people who use visualisation as a meditation practice often meditate on images around their spouses and family (future and current), when they come out of these meditations, they often feel as if they already have the family and spouse of their dreams, if you feel you already have these things (whether or not you actually do), well it’s very hard to feel lonely then. And it has been proven, time and time again that when you focus your mind on a specific intention – like finding your soul mate, chances are you will see and take advantage of opportunities that will arise that will lead you to the person you have been searching for all along.

It’s not unlike when you are thinking of buying a new car. For example, if you are thinking of buying a brand new BMW – suddenly you will see that car everywhere. So if you are constantly thinking of having love in your life, it will be visible everywhere.

Don’t believe me? Give it a try! For one month, every day, spend 5 to 10 minutes in meditation. During that meditation I want you to visualise having the partner of your dreams, or if you already have your partner, imagine having the most amazing loving relationship with your partner. I am willing to bet that by the end of that month something would have changed, at the very least.. within yourself.

Friday, June 15, 2018

The art of self sabotage

When we find ourselves in a situation where it seems like suddenly our entire world is coming down. Perhaps your partner leaves you, you lose your job, you are unhappy with your body and your weight, your finances are a mess, and everything in the entire world seems to be working against you. You may even find that you hit “rock bottom” and are at the lowest point in your life.

So where did it all go wrong?

You may never be able to pin point that one specific moment when everything started to go wrong for you. The truth is, that most of us end up in positions like this, simply because we were unhappy.

For example, let’s look at why you would lose your job. Perhaps you were unhappy with your job, or your co-workers, or the company you worked for. So as a result you complained, and looked at your situation in such a negative light.

By focusing on this area of your life, a part of you would have started to work away in the background, working “against” you almost. And it’s something that usually takes a great deal of time and dedication until you achieve your final goal, in this example, your goal would have been to lose your job.

For a lot of people this can actually be a subconscious practice, we don’t realise - or at least don’t want to face the truth, about what it is that we are doing to sabotage our own lives, and what we perceive should be making us happy, and yet it does not. Some of us cannot even truly admit that we are unhappy, but we feel that we are trapped, or cannot understand why we can’t move forward with our lives, or achieve the goals you may wish to.

This is a perfect example where life coaching therapy can help you to understand where you are going wrong, and why you keep “failing” or self sabotaging yourself while you try to achieve happiness... which is what we all want.

THE LIFE, life coaching system will help you to not only realise why it is that you may be self sabotaging yourself (especially when you’re supposed to be happy... right?), but at the same time I don’t just focus on one area of your life, or the main area where you feel you are struggling the most. THE LIFE, life coaching system has been designed to help you find balance in ALL areas of your life, to understand every aspect of who you are, because true success happens in every area of your life, and not just certain parts of it.

Through a series of one on one coaching sessions (I also do sessions for couples who wish to grow and live THE LIFE together), as well as a blend of counselling systems, I will help you to Discover, Understand and to Grow – assisting you to live THE LIFE of your dreams.

To book a Life Coaching Session, you can book through my Facebook page www.facebook.com/lifecoachingTHELIFE
alternately email thelife.lifecoach@gmail.com

Based in Fourways, Johannesburg, South Africa