
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Parable of the Pipeline

The Parable of the Pipeline

How Anyone Can Build a Pipeline of Ongoing Residual Income in the New Economy

This book puts earning passive income in its most simplistic terms. If you have ever wanted anyone to understand why or how they should set up streams to earn passive income, but you weren't sure how to phrase it, well then this is the book for you.

Actually this book is for ANYONE looking to set up a flow of residual (passive) income. If after reading this book you're still determined to be a bucket carrier in a bucket carrying world, well then clearly earning passive income is just not for you.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to teach their children the concept and importance of earning passive income, it's the kind of story that will stick with them and help them to grow up, building better lives for themselves.

Here's the write up for the book on Amazon (click on the image below to get your copy now):

We hear a lot about job security these days. But the simple fact is, if you have a job, you have no real security anymore! Today, job security is out. Lean and mean is in. Which means the next job to be downsized could be yours! So how do you create TRUE SECURITY for yourself and your family in a hired-today-and-fired-tomorrow workplace? The answer: Create your own security by building pipelines of residual income. In his latest book, The Parable of the Pipeline, Burke Hedges explains how virtually anyone can leverage their time, relationships, and money to become the millionaire next door. 

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