
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Are you a victim of 2018?

I was going through my social media news feed the other day, and I was quite taken back by the amount of memes people were posting about just how awful this past year was.

They were followed by memes on how they were too dead broke to enjoy their festive season, and then hoping that next year would be “a better one”.

However, for most of these people, I know that this will not be the case. In fact chances are quite high that at the end of 2019, they will be posting pictures and memes saying pretty much the same story, that the current year “rail roaded” them, leaving them in worse shape, and wondering if there’s a glimmer of hope that the next year would be slightly different.

A large amount of people are acting as if the last year just “happened to them”, as if they had no choice or role to play in their circumstances. They act the victim, and sadly very few people actually end up taking steps to improve or better their lives, despite the pain they are feeling about where they are in their current lives.

However, if you happen to be one of those people who really want to make a change, and have a better 2019. If you want 2019 to be YOUR YEAR, then the truth is that YOU and only YOU can take the steps to make it happen that way. If you want to be THE BOSS of 2019, then you have to work at making it happen... or do you want to find yourself complaining how another year has come and gone, and all you feel is “defeated” and more broke than before?

Do you know that research has shown that there are several things that you can do every year, to actually live a happier, more fulfilling life?

The choice really is yours, and in today’s video, I give you an incredibly practical tip on one of the things that you can do TODAY that will actually help you to begin to make the change.

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