If you can master this one action, and excel in promoting
your own brand, then your earning potential can become unlimited.
At the end of the post I have included an exercise that you
can use to help you to achieve just this, but first I want to share with you my
personal story.
For the past few years I have been quietly working away in
the background growing my passive income. Creating my products, from digital
files to the books I have written, to experimenting with a number of online
platforms to earn an income from.
The other day I did the math, and I can actually say that I
have made tens of thousands doing this and selling my products. Sounds
impressive right? It is, but sadly I know I could have done better than that,
but I didn’t, why?
Like so many people out there I have been embarrassed to
really “blow my own horn”. That’s right, I have always been too embarrassed to
promote myself and my own products. Sounds strange right? But in truth most people have the same problem, and I hope that by sharing my own personal
story that you too can work towards any fear that you might have when it comes
to blowing your horn.
I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit, in fact as a
small child of no more than 5 or 6 years old, I remember making little trinkets
from items around the house and garden. I worked hard at them, I glued leaves
to cardboard, and tried some terrible finger knitting, amongst other crafts to
create bookmarks. My goal was to sell them to any guests that were going to
come and visit the house – I had a business mind right from the start!
I never got as far as making any actual sales pitches
though, as my parents had figured out what I was doing, and to prevent any embarrassing
situations, persuaded me not to go ahead with my plan.
I can’t say they went about it too tactfully, I felt
horrible afterwards, and my young mind learned a lesson that day that it took
me decades to overcome and “un-learn”. The lesson my parents had tried to teach
me was that “We don’t beg for money.”
Now I know that their intentions were never to cause me any
harm or unhappiness, and I know that they were reacting in part because of how
their parents had raised them, so I know now that in truth that nobody can be
Unfortunately I was too young to understand it at the time,
so my young mind “recorded” an association of making a sale with being akin to
begging... which is wrong. Right?
It’s one of the reasons why I did not succeed at many jobs,
and even with my first few businesses, because although I absolutely love the
creation process of creating products, and I get really excited about starting
up my own business... when it came to actually selling my own products I always
used to feel as if I was doing something terribly wrong. I would be overcome
with feelings of embarrassment, and guilt whenever I tried to approach clients,
or make an appointment to promote my products, or even just to mention them
among a group of friends, or when I met new people.

Do you have any similar feelings when it comes to talking
about something you have done or created? Do you struggle to promote yourself
and the products you sell? If so, here’s a task for you to give a try:
Step 1: Close your eyes and try think back as far as
possible to the very first time, you tried to make an exchange of any kind for
money. Perhaps you wanted to earn pocket money to buy yourself something, or
perhaps, like me you were trying to sell goodies to visiting guests. Whatever it
may be, I want you to think about that instant, and the adults that were in
your life at that moment, and what happened. Write it all down in your journal
with us much detail as you can remember. Write down how you felt coming out of
that situation.
Step 2: Really think about how you were left feeling
afterwards. Is that perhaps the same feeling you feel now when you try to make
a sale, or promote yourself? Write about what your emotional responses are now
whenever you try any form of promotion or self promotion. Notice where in your
body you feel this emotion, and put your hand on that area of your body.
Step 3: Now I want you to visit that past experience
again, but this time I don’t want you to take part in the moment, instead stand
outside of the scene and watch it happening as an observer. The goal here is to
remove your emotional attachment to that moment. Look at all the parties
involved. The adults you were interacting with, whoever they may be, were
simply responding with their own pre-programming that had been taught to them
as a child, and they inadvertently relayed that same message to you, whether
consciously or subconsciously, it does not matter. The goal here is not to
blame anyone, but rather to work on “re-programming” yourself and your
Step 4: Now remember the place in your body where you
could feel those negative emotions? I want you to place both your hands
there and say out loud “I am the master of blowing my own horn.” And smile...
because it’s true. Then go forward and make an amazing "sales pitch".
From this point on, any time you catch yourself beginning to
feel those negative emotions associated with selling and self promotion, place your
hand on that spot and say those words out loud. You are making yourself
aware of that past programming and any negative habits, and changing them to
better habits, and re-affirming yourself.
Once you can master this exercise, you are well on your way
to becoming so much more successful.
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