
Saturday, March 23, 2019

It's time to change

The human race is always changing and evolving, it doesn't stand still for anyone or anything. Our huge advances in technology alone are proof of this.

The world around us is completely different to the one that we knew twenty, even ten years ago. Yet I am still shockingly surprised how people, who accept these changes in all other areas of their lives, still expect to earn money in the old traditional senses.

If life is changing in every aspect, how we earn and work with our money is changing too. You can decide to be at the forefront of that change, or you can change only when you are forced to.

So how is the financial landscape changing? Traditionally you would get a job or start a business, make a few investments if you had enough extra money to and then finally finish off with retirement hoping that you had managed to invest and save enough to last you until the end of your days.

This system worked well when the life expectancy of the average human was 75 to 95 years old, but it really is no longer valid. It was necessary for us to progress to our next stage of evolution. This older generation, on average spent around 72% of their lives working (the remaining 28% allows for childhood, and an average of ten to twenty years for retirement) - and usually unhappily so, in a job, or a string of several jobs they didn't enjoy, they did it because they believed they had to.

The other day I read a very interesting article that stated how millennials are the first GENERATION (note generation as a whole and not one or two lucky individuals), where becoming financially free and retiring early (between the ages of 30 and 40 years) will be the norm for them, assuming they start work at the age of 20, that's only ten to twenty years working. The catch here is that the average life expectancy for a millennial is currently at 120 years... shocking right? So here's an entire generation who are learning to work for around 25% to 30% of their lives, and then to spend their rest of their time doing what? Well, to be honest, they are spending their time doing what makes them happy. It is as simple as that.

In fact most millennials who might end up working past the age of forty, will only end up doing so because they do work that they love. This is a generation that is learning that money is not associated to happiness, and more importantly, how they can go about earning passive income from a variety of avenues so that they can live a life that will make them happier. Their focus is almost purely on happiness - sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

I want you to ask yourself, are you moving with this tidal wave of change? Are you learning to earn passive income? Or are you still stuck in the old ideas of how to earn money, while feeling unhappy and dissatisfied with your life? What are you willing to do to make a change in your life?

What would you do to shift your life to begin focusing on your own happiness?

Start by following my blog, I share great tips and advice to help you to make the changes you need to... and here's a really great book to help you to get started...

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