
Friday, December 14, 2018

How well do you know me?

Earlier this week, one of my Facebook friends posted this meme, and it has really just stuck with me.

"How do I lay in bed for the 

rest of my life but also become 

a billionaire at the same time?"

I will be honest, my first response was "Well... just do it." - which I said quietly to myself. I wasn't judging this person in any way, and I kinda like her and don't want her to "unfriend" me, and simply because I realised... Heck... people might take offense to comments like that because they don't really know what it is that I actually do to "make a living".

I decided to rectify that, so I posed a question on Facebook, asking friends and family to tell me exactly what it is that they think I do. I half sniggered to myself thinking "They'll never guess". However I was proved terribly wrong, as it turns out people know me better than I thought they did.

The answers included "Navigation on a Starship", working towards being the "Master of the Universe" and my favourite, and most flattering response "Entrepreneur Philanthropist".... "Wow" I thought "They really do know me."

I am a Philanthropist, I work with a number of animal rescue organisations whenever I get the chance to, it's something I'm incredibly passionate about.

I'm also an entrepreneur... a serial entrepreneur and an investor, and this often translates to me doing "a lot" of "things" and activities, but all the "things" I do, are actually tools and processes I use to attain just one particular goal.

But what is that goal?

That goal is to find ways to generate products to earn passive income from online sources... that's what I "do for a living". I then take what I learn and teach it to other people whenever I get the opportunity. And that is why my response is - If you want to be a billionaire and stay in your pj's all day long (something I actually do on a regular basis)... then why not read my book that I launched earlier this year, or follow my Patreon page where I show you how to earn passive income so that if that's what you want to do with you life... well you can!

My goal is to help as many people as possible to start to earn passive income from online sources so that they can live a HAPPIER more FULFILLING LIFE filled with FINANCIAL FREEDOM!

Read my book... get excited about it... share it with others... it's worth the investment, and as I always say and strongly believe, always invest in yourself!

Click on the image below to get your copy today!

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