A new year has begun, and yes, I've already started to collect my brand new stash of books to read this year.
I love books on business and personal growth, with the occasional biography or fictional novel thrown in. In fact one of my favourite ways of growing myself and broadening my mind and my horizons, is through reading.
There's a reason why hugely successful people are known to read a LARGE stack of books every year... reading keeps us young, updates your knowledge, and is a great way to keep you motivated, especially if you are an entrepreneur or business person.
There's nothing quite like a brilliant book packed full of new concepts and ideas to get me excited about growing and expanding my business and brand. Here's my top 5 favourite books that I read during 2018.
#1 - Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
I re-read this book for the umpteenth time in 2018, and to be honest, I'm still quite amazed by how much I learn and re-learn every time I read this book. I don't think any business person, or serious entrepreneur's book collection is complete without this book.
click on the image to get your copy now
#2 The Breakthrough Company by Keith R. McFarland
If you are serious about growing and creating an extraordinary company that achieves phenomenal heights, then I HIGHLY recommend this book. If all you want is a really great company, with a really strong foundation of core values, then I recommend this book even more so. In fact, if you own a business, or are even thinking of starting one, then I recommend this book. It is a MUST read for all entrepreneurs.
click on the image to get your copy now
#3 The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
This is a work of fiction, however, while reading it my mind was completely blown away. The ideas and ideals and even the psychology that James Redfield writes about gives you incredible food for thought, and may even change the way you view the world... just a little, or maybe a lot.
Even if you read it only for the the suspense filled action adventure, I highly recommend that you read it.
click on the image to get your copy now
#4 Live a Better Life by Nathalie Marran
I know this is my own book, but even I have to admit that I have a wealth of knowledge to share on how to start earning passive income online. I read this book a number of times during the editing process, and every time I read and re-read it, I realized just how much I know, that others can use to really make changes in their lives, and to start earning passive income online.
If you really want to start investing in yourself, and earning a passive income from online sources, I HIGHLY recommend using this book as a starting point to get you there.
click on the image to get your copy now
#5 Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
If you truly want to understand how millionaires think, and what sets them on the path to huge successes while you remain where you are... and if you truly, truly want to change then READ THIS BOOK!
I bought and read this book immediately after attending an online Masterclass hosted by T. Harv Eker. After listening to him speak, I just knew that I had to get to know more of what he knows. What an amazing and down to earth man.
If you truly want to be wealthy, then read this book. Or even better yet, get the audio version and listen to it as many times as you possibly can.
click on the image to get your audio copy now
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