
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Inspired Action Challenge

At the beginning of the month I proof read the author copy of my third published book. I then created and launched the next issue of my magazine, Sew You! Magazine (www.SewYouMagazine.com). I am now busy compiling and editing a second book which will be launched in the next two weeks or so, and it’s only the 16th of January.

This tells me two things, first of all that 2019 is going to be an amazing year, and second of all that I may be a little crazy. In fact I have two more books in the pipeline after these two, plus a number of other projects that keep me rather busy.

What do all of these projects have in common? They were each once an inspired idea. But they didn’t just stay as ideas, I jumped into action to make it possible.

Last year when I was inspired to launch my magazine, I didn’t look at all the work that was involved (of which I can assure you there is A LOT that goes into each issue), instead I said to myself “Let’s do it!” and I jumped right in and compiled my first issue, launching it in April. A couple months later I was inspired to write my book… and I just started to do it.

So many people have ideas of the things they would love to do one day, and the things that they would like to achieve… one day. Sadly for most people that one day never ever comes, and many great books, movies, businesses, etc are never born.

Too often we let our excuses stop us from achieving what we truly want to in life. I’m that annoying person that just does something when I’m inspired to, and I have a very low tolerance for excuses. So often when I am working with a client, and they speak about all the things they want to achieve, which usually sounds pretty fantastic, I then ask them why they aren’t doing it. Almost always they pause briefly, and then they start rattling off all the excuses as to why they can’t do it.

Failure and regret happens when you let your goals and dreams get stuck somewhere in the “filter of a million excuses”

Sadly more people have excuses as to why they shouldn’t achieve their goals, and that’s what they focus on, instead of the reasons why they should be achieving their goals.

In my honest opinion, if you really and truly want to achieve something, you would find a way to make it happen. There is no excuse whatsoever.

My computer died, its motherboard was apparently fried. I launched my first magazine issue on a borrowed computer, with the smallest amount of RAM in the world. The hair pulling incredibly slow process of trying to work on a large graphics file on a computer that was built to handle documents and emails and not much more… well that did not deter me. I still went on to launch 4 more magazine issues, plus started writing 3 books on that PC, even after the buttons for the number “8” and the letter “I” stopped working.

I don’t believe in excuses, yes I absolutely have challenges I need to overcome for most of the big inspired ideas I have, but I seldom let anything actually stop me from accomplishing something.
So here is my challenge to you, and I want you to take it incredibly seriously. I want you to think about something big that you want to achieve, and I want you to write it down. I then want you to write down how you think you can achieve that goal, and what you need to achieve it.

Then I want you to actually work out a day to day plan that will get you to achieve your goal. An actual plan that you can work on every, single day. Then finally, get started, just get started, that is the biggest step you can take in achieving any goal.

If you have excuses that come up as to why you can’t achieve your goal, then this is what I want you to do. On a piece of paper, at the top write “My Challenges”, then draw a line down the center of the page. On the left hand side of the line I want you to write down what your excuses are, except from now on you are going to be calling them challenges because that’s what they are, they are the hurdles you have to overcome to achieve your goals.

Then on the right hand side of the page, I want you to write what you need to do to overcome each challenge. So now you know what you need to do to overcome your challenges, and come up with a few different ways, you be surprised by how creative you can be when it comes to problem solving. This will help you to rise above anything that comes in your way, and for you to achieve bigger and better things.

I would love to hear how this simple exercise works for you, please feel free to share your progress and successes with me on my Facebook page: https://web.facebook.com/lifecoachingTHELIFE 

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