When I was a student, one of our lecturers did a exercise
familiar to many, but not so readily applied.
He took a large jar and threw a whole bunch of stand in it. Then he took
some stones and added in the stone on top of the sand. But not all the stones fitted into the jar.
He then re-did the experiment and threw all the stones in
and then threw in the sand afterwards. Surprisingly even with all the stones in
the jar, the sand simply flowed through all the stones and everything fitted in
beautifully. The aim of this exercise was to show us that when we are focused
on the big things, the small things seem to just fall into place.
But if we focus on the small things, we find that we are just not able to get all those big things in.
We are all granted the same amount of time in a day, but
sometimes we can focus on the small things and then at the end of the year find
that those neglected big dreams and big plans come back to haunt us.
As I reflect on the close of the year, I have to do an
inventory and look at what I have done with the time I was allocated.
Did I do the big things? Did I follow through on my
dreams? Am I a bigger person (and I do
not mean, did I have too much Christmas Pudding?)?
Did I start working on all those big dreams?
Despite the challenges of the year, I took a leap and committed
to participating in a new one year supplier enterprise development program.
At the beginning of
the program, when I looked at the calendar I realized that I would have
to take entire days out of my business. I would not be allowed to use my cell
phone unless during a tea break. The
controlling micro managing part of my brain was screaming out, that without me
things could not get done. But actually they did get done. As I committed to
growing myself, even when challenges arose, I was there at every event. I
noticed that the group size began to diminish. The name tags left out at
reception, were of people who committed to arriving, but never actually came.
Only a handful of us remained from the original group.
I learned so much about myself and formed a new support
group of people who got me through the difficult challenges of 2018.
I learned to do things differently than I did them in
2017, because necessity thrust that change upon me and I had to adapt or sink.
I certainly do not want to repeat the challenges of 2018 - but I do know this, I have learned more, I have changed
more and I realized that when you are ready to change, you can take those big
You do not have to do all of them at once, but you can
commit to each year, add another big stone.
I encourage you to take stock of your life at the end of
this year. Have a look at those big
goals and reach out, grab one of those goals and say, this new year, I choose
to commit to myself. I choose to show
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