
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Breakthrough Company

In this week's book review, I'm featuring "The Breakthrough Company - How everyday companies become extraordinary performers" by Keith R. McFarland

In this book Keith McFarland and his team research exactly what it is that makes companies breakthrough the threshold from being a small to medium sized company and into a large, and successful one.

He goes through such in-depth research that they performed over a number of years in order to try to find the process, as it were, that causes companies to become extraordinary. It's a topic that could easily become intensely boring, but he writes it extremely well, and he uncovers the truths of these companies in such a way, that you feel like you are unwrapping a gift.

A gift packed full of knowledge, and he explains it in such a way, that even as a small business owner, I can relate to each topic, and see how each process can be applied to my own business practices in order to grow my own company into something extraordinary.

This book is incredibly well written, and I have to say that I recommend it not just to entrepreneurs and business owners, and their managers, but I recommend it it to anybody who wants to be a leader in their field.

He supplies you with powerful action steps, that you can use to develop your business, and to become an industry leader. It really is remarkable how simple some of the ideas are that cause such great success, if only we all knew them...

It really got me thinking about how I go about things, and is packed full of food for thought, and I have to say that not only do I highly recommend this book for all leaders to read, but I recommend that they read it at least two or three times to truly absorb it's message.

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